Personal Blog - A little bit of Calm in our Chaos

February has come and gone.  I honestly can't believe it.  The kids are back at school and all the after school activities are in full swing.  We have also had a few weeks of our children alternating who is sick, which has been super fun.  I keep seeing those meme's about Mum's and Wine and all I can think is, "OMG that is me".  Being a Mum is a pretty tough gig, whether you are pregnant with your first child or you have four teenagers, no matter what stage you are at, IT IS HARD.  

I know exactly what it's like.  I have three kids whom I adore, but there are moments when I feel like I am loosing my mind, the house is disaster, there is washing that needs doing and we are having scrambled eggs or toast for dinner because we have nothing else in the house.  This year I have made a resolution to stop more and cherish the moments that I know will be gone so soon.  I have started photographing those moments.  Even when the house is a disaster and kids are still in their pyjamas at 1pm.  Because this is our life and these moments are the moments that matter. They are the Calm in the Chaos.

Knowing how hard it was for me to stop and see past all the chaos and still photograph a perfect moment, I decided to run a workshop for Mum's to learn the basics of how to use their camera and how see the Calm in the Chaos of their lives.  If you are interested in learning more or joining us for the workshop you can find more information here.

This month I am teaming up with amazingly talented women, if you would like to tag along come and have a look at Claire's blog post.  I really love it <3

These are few images that I took of my own babies this month.  I hope you love them <3

Nat xx